#LoveBigBook Tour: Twin Cities

#LoveBigBook Tour: Twin Cities


Join Rozella Haydée White in conversation with Rev. Jodi Houge with special guest, Rachel Kurtz for an evening of conversation and song reflecting on loving self and others in ways that bring about restoration, healing, and wholeness.

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In the words of Mother Teresa, “We have forgotten that we belong to each other.” This lapse in memory has caused deep fractures and allowed fear, hatred, and division to infect our lives together. We’ve become disconnected from each other and from our very selves.

In Love Big, life and leadership coach Rozella Haydée White introduces readers to the power of revolutionary relationships, which lead us to love big—to love despite hardships and fear; to love in the face of despair; to love ourselves and others deeply and passionately; to love in ways that change us all and remind us that we do indeed belong to each other.

Join us for a time of conversation, connection, and community as we celebrate ourselves, each other, and the Lover God who created us all. Purchase your book today. Limited copies of Love Big will be available for purchase at the event.